Peer coaching for systemic, reflective growth

Peer coaching for systemic, reflective growth

Peer coaching for systemic, reflective growth
By Pete Hall

*In a subtle shift from the traditional blog post format, Strive Success Solutions President/CEO Pete Hall shares an article he penned for Talent Development magazine, a publication of the Association for Talent Development.

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Executive summary:

Adopting a proactive approach to coaching can transform organizations. Rather than using coaching to “fix” employee weakneses, savvy organizations are utilizing a peer coaching model that builds individual and collective capacity. Based on a cycle of reflective thought that predictably leads to success, this peer coaching approach simultaneously grows individual employees, builds a collaborative culture, and transforms organizations into hubs of continuous learning and ongoing growth. Embedded in the article are the processes of self-reflection, tips for HR officials and supervisors, and prompts to generate reflective thought.


Pete Hall is the President/CEO of Strive Success Solutions. You can reach him via email at

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