

The magnifying power of self-reflection

The magnifying power of self-reflection

What if the secret to continuous improvement is resting between our ears? Mastering the practice of rigorous, deep, accurate self-reflection might be the key to unlocking our success!

What if “busy” is just another four-letter word?

What if “busy” is just another four-letter word?

We wear “busy” on our sleeves like it’s a badge of honor. But what if it’s not the goal we should be striving for? What if “busy” is distracting us from being honest and real about ourselves and our goals?

The 2 things all great leaders have in common

The 2 things all great leaders have in common

Leadership, by definition, is a form of guidance, of influence. There are two particular skills that all successful leadership have in common, no matter the situation, setting, or context. What are they, and can you cultivate them?

Where’s the line that defines your potential?

Where’s the line that defines your potential?

What are you capable of? Have you ever considered the limits of your potential? Is there such a thing as a “ceiling” confining your dreams, ambitions, and trajectory? Maybe your potential is an asymptote.